Sunday 2 August 2015

Dental Implants

Another Dental Implant Option

All-on-4™ immediate load implants is an additional option to traditional implants. As the name implies, you only require four implants to secure your dentures permanently in place. All in the same day, you can arrive with missing or unhealthy teeth and go home with a beautiful smile. These strategically positioned implants will give very strong support for your teeth. There is no need to wait for the jawbone to heal. That very same day you can eat whatever you like!

In times past, when patients lost a tooth, they would be referred to an oral surgeon to implant the titanium post. Then the surgeon would send the patient back to the dentist to have the teeth placed on the implant. At our practice, we take care of the whole procedure in just one visit. There is no six-month waiting time to have the procedure completed.

Secure Your Smile with Overdentures

At Castle Rock Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, we offer our patients an alternative to implants. With just a few dental implants inserted, your dentures will be locked into place so you will no longer have to worry about movement. They easily snap out for proper cleaning. So say good-bye to all the problems of loose-fitting dentures. No need to buy any more adhesive creams that don't work. Say hello to your new smile and eating every type of food you fancy.

Castle Rock Cosmetic & Family Dentistry   
Erik Hekkert, DDS   
4625 Trail Boss Drive, Suite G   
Castle Rock, CO 80104   
(720) 733-1210

1 comment:

  1. I had a friend who went to Cancun Dental and told me about the prices in that clinic. He's very happy with what he got done there and told me marveloud things about the staf and doctors. I will be going ther too before the end of the year to get my teeth done!
